Project Lead’s Message
Pakistan is the 5th populus country in the world with current total population of 235 million and stands at 161 ranking out of 192 countries in World Human Development Index (HDI) according to UNDP Reports in 2021-22. The MMR for Pakistan is 186 deaths per 100,000 live births, and infant Mortality (under one year, per 1,000 live births) documented as 57.998, as per the report published by NIPS in 2019. The country’s Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) is 34 % with modern CPR being only 26%.
The country’s statistics show that there was and still is a ‘need’ for effective, good quality and easily accessible Family Planning (FP) services. Thus, taking on the initiative to effectively implement FP services, GSM with the support of Population Services International (PSI) and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), implemented Delivering Accelerated Family Planning in Pakistan (DAFPAK) programme from December 01, 2017. In line both its own and Pakistan’s 2030 FP vision, the programme was designed to provide reproductive health services to the community through social marketing of FP products which are pills, injections, Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs) and condoms. The outlets where the availability of these products is assured are private provider clinics, pharmacies, and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) stores. Greenstar through DAFPAK programme focusses on the supply of FP commodities with focus to the rural and peri urban slums along with the urban markets. GSM’s teams under DAFPAK programme ensured uninterrupted supplies and availability of Family planning products and services during the hard days of COVID 19 and proved its commitment toward achievement of FP objectives.

Team Members
Ghazunfer Abbas DGM Program
Munir Ahmed Senior Manager Program
- Women are able to safely plan their pregnancies and improve their sexual and reproductive health.
- Increase access to Family Planning (FP) services.
- Improved quality of client-centered FP services.
- Enabling environment for family planning.
- Maternal Deaths Averted: 580
- Unintended Pregnancies Averted: 668,225
- Unsafe Abortions Averted: 206,130
- DALYs Averted: 592,683
- CYPs generated: 2,947,931.
- Number of total FP Users: 2,371,453
- Maintained number of social marketing outlets: 24,000
- Maintained availability of family planning commodities at 95% of total outlets.
- Mechanisms for technical guidance, monitoring and coordination facilitated at national, provincial and district level.
- Maternal Deaths Averted: 549
- Unintended Pregnancies Averted: 619,799
- Unsafe Abortions Averted: 189,224
- DALYs Averted: 561,053
- CYPs generated: 2,847,307.
- Number of total FP Users: 2,329,756
- Maintained Number of Social Marketing Outlets in 54 Implementing Districts: 37,647
- Maintained availability of family planning commodities at 96% of total outlets –
- Meeting with Public sector office at Districts:
- Meeting with Provincial level public sector Offices:
- Access to potential new clients.
- Offered backup support to providers and extend family planning support to address family planning related questions by callers through 24/7 Toll-free Helpline (POOCHO)
About the Donor
Population Services International (PSI): Population Services International is a nonprofit global health organization with programs targeting malaria, child survival, HIV, and reproductive health. PSI provides products, clinical services and behavior change communications for the health of people in high-need populations.
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO): FCDO is a department of the Government of the United Kingdom. Equivalent to other countries’ ministries of foreign affairs, it was created on September 2, 2020 through the merger of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development. Formerly it was known as Department for International Development (DFID)
DAFPAK is the largest GSM program, including 54 intervention districts in three provinces: Sindh, Punjab, and KPK. Through this program, we devised a strategy based on a market development approach that allows us to focus subsidies where they will have the greatest impact and where we are able to offer the most value. It also enables us to collaborate with others to affect the enabling environment (support structures) in balance in favor of the underserved. A healthy market for health commodities contains commercial products aimed at the wealthier quintiles of the population, a variety of subsidized products aimed at the middle quintiles, and free products aimed at the lowest.
The Team contributes to such a healthy market by the social marketing program that segments the population and delivers excellent products and services at various price points while growing overall market demand through behavior change communications. This method draws new customers and opens new markets. The Team envisions an increased FP market in Pakistan that will make a significant contribution to Pakistan’s FP 2030 goals.